Friday, 16 March 2007

Ahhhh! Spring is here or is it!!

Spring is here and the seedlings are growing in the greenhouse, but are they going to all go into shock with the pending forecast for SNOW, IN MARCH! what is happening to our weather. In the midst of building a bird bath out of a spare dustbin lid, as you do! a visitor from way over rounder, in the deepest darkest corner of allotment land, came with great tidings, to offer support to the wellies quest and join them in a home brew, but how remiss of me I have not introduced you to our guest wellies, so I humbly present kissy wellies. And I declare the bird bath well and truly open!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

What Lurks Beneath those Tunnels!!

Hello everybody and welcome back to the exciting adventures of red and giraffe wellies Ooh look! what can be lying under those cloches. Surprise!!! soon to be an asparagus bed, a one and a half foot trench lovingly prepared to house the one year old crowns arriving in April, but the only downside is that the wellies are going to have to wait TWO YEARS! before they get any. Asparagus that is! BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT.

Ooh joy look what has recovered, The greenhouse fairy would be proud, new apparently stone proof, storm proof, polycarbonate, twin skinned for extra insulation, the wellies are tempted to move in permanently.

Ooh woe! is the Greenhouse!!!

Poor poor greenhouse, the heavy duty winds, became the demise of my pride and joy (as the thing was put up singled handed I'll have you know), alas due to the temporary measure's undertaken and errected by redwellies and giraffe wellies, the fantastic 80mph winds whipped through and squished it!!!. (unfortunately did not take a photo of its mangledness, as redwellies and giraffe wellies were distraught), but basically 3/4 of the glass was lost, the roof scattered around the allotment, from a distance the wellies though all was lost, but on closer insepction the frame was still good and not at all buckled which was the first thought, but a photo was taken of the greenhouse without its glass and the roof re-errected. THE WELLIES WILL NOT BE BEATEN!!!!!!
January 2007

The plot is taking shape

Edging boards have been placed, the beginnings of an asparagus bed, (from crowns this year as the seeds didnt germinate last year), a cold frame built, all I can say is "is there nothing these wellies cannot do".
Oct 2006